Enabling Hundreds of Remote Sensor Monitoring Applications

The Hawk is a robust plug-and-play IoT data logger and sensor hub that enables hundreds of IoT remote environmental monitoring applications.

Enabling Hundreds of IoT Remote Monitoring Applications

The Hawk represents a significant advancement in remote monitoring applications, transforming the industry with 
its flexible and unique approach to IoT sensor monitoring hardware.

See How Our Partners Build Sensor Monitoring Solutions

Promoting Animal Welfare with Wildlife Trap Monitoring

Explore how researchers in Western Australia's Department of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Attractions are using the Hawk to promote animal welfare.

Promoting Animal Welfare with Wildlife Trap Monitoring

See How Our Partners Build Sensor Monitoring Solutions

Groundwater Mapping and Monitoring with WaterMappers

Learn how Watermappers is utilizing the Hawk IoT Data Logger for hydrological cycle modelling and groundwater mapping.

Groundwater Mapping and Monitoring with WaterMappers

See How Our Partners Build Sensor Monitoring Solutions

Enhancing Environmental Monitoring with Peak HydroMet

Peak HydroMet Solutions, based in British Columbia, Canada, is a full-service environmental monitoring company specializing in agricultural weather and water management.

Enhancing Environmental Monitoring with Peak HydroMet

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